Stillwell: A Haunting on Long Island by Michael Phillip Cash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story is amazing!

A real estate agent is faced with the challenge of selling a haunted house just days after the death of his wife. Then with the ghost of his beloved and a demon haunting him, he needs to pull himself together and try to solve the mystery behind his nightmares and the history of the old ghost that walks in Stillwell.

Paul is passing through a very hard time, trying to cope with the fact that his wife just died and the trauma of seeing her body being consumed by the illness as if she was already dead. Trying every treatment when there is no hope, only suffering, he feels guilt as he remembers his recently deceased wife saying to let her go. Cancer is cruel and heartbreaking, not only for the patient but for the family members.
Michael Phillip Cash  never disappoints.

Note: I received this book free for review from Netgalley

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