Pane and Suffering by Cheryl HollonMy rating: 5 of 5 stars

A mystery is about to be discovered, if only Savannah can solve the codes left by her father.

After living for a time in Seattle, Savannah returns to her home town for her father’s funeral. He was a healthy person and liked to jog every day, so his heart attack was unexpected. But when his Glass Shop assistant is found dead of a heart attack just after her father, then the coincidences are too overwhelming. There is no shortage of suspects, and Savannah must decipher the code to know who the killer is.

This murder mystery is based in a Glass Shop, and we can see how fun it would be to engage in a class of painted glass.

Really loved this book and can’t wait for the second installment.

Note: I received a digital copy free from Netgalley for review purposes.

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