Suddenly Sorceress

Suddenly Sorceress by Erica Lucke Dean My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A fun laugh out loud paranormal tale.

This is a fast paced story with a very funny plot line. The main character, Ivie, turns her fiancé into a skunk by mistake, since she doesn't know he is leaving her and that she is a witch.

When he comes late at night, on one of the most embarrassing day of her life, and asks for his grandmother's engagement ring because he is marrying someone else and she needs to leave the house by Monday, rage evokes a power hidden inside herself.

How can she explain to the police that Matt is a skunk and that he is not missing? The solution must be to find another magic practitioner to help her turn Matt back.

A romantic comedy with a hint of spice.

Note: I received a digital copy free for review purposes.

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After walking away from her career as a business banker to pursue writing full-time, Erica moved from the hustle and bustle of the big city to a small tourist town in the North Georgia Mountains where she lives in a 90-year-old haunted farmhouse with her workaholic husband, her 180lb lap dog, and at least one ghost.

When she’s not busy writing or tending to her collection of crazy chickens, diabolical ducks, and a quintet of piglets, hell bent on having her for dinner, she’s either reading bad fan fiction or singing karaoke in the local pub. Much like the main character in To Katie With Love, Erica is a magnet for disaster, and has been known to trip on air while walking across flat surfaces.

How she’s managed to survive this long is one of life’s great mysteries.


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